My Journey towards Cyber Security
Cyber Security the name itself is something quite heavy, right? Most of the today’s youths are very much interested towards hot topics like machine learning and cyber security and so was I . Not very much interested in machine learning at that time but I was very much interested to learn about cyber security and ethical hacking.

As I took biology in class 11 I thought it will be difficult for me to come in this field and also my interest in this field was not there from the very beginning. A month before my first year started I started learning programming in C. Though I was not a very good coder at that time , I was improving my skills each day. After my college started , around 1 month later there was a workshop on ethical hacking and I thought that this field is for me until I proved myself completely wrong. Lets go to a bit more detail. So starting from the beginning , around 1 week before the workshop we are asked install Kali Linux in our devices. If you don’t know it is a OS used by hackers and penetration testers ;). We were told we can use either a VM or dual boot it and I was more interested in making a dual boot instead of a VM and after several struggles also I was not even able to dual boot a OS in my laptop . I took help from many but still not able to dual boot it.

Finally the day before my workshop I somehow managed to accomplish my task.Now comes the day of the workshop where my real journey started. Very much excited to finally learn ethical hacking I reached the college. But as the workshop started I was loosing all of my confidence and motivation. They were teaching stuffs I have never heard of , teaching things I was hardly able to follow and at that moment I understood that hacking was not a cup of my tea. I tried to perform everything they taught at home but I was hardly able to recall them.
Now what? I lost all my hopes and totally left the thought of hacking but one day out of nowhere I got a second thought of trying it. But where to start from? I looked for all kind of sources and materials. I studied day and night about it and now I was really understanding the stuffs and processes working behind the scenes. The next three months I gathered as much knowledge possible not only about hacking or cyber Security but about the technology running behind.
So the question is am I a very good and professional hacker now? No not at all. But I am not a script kiddie now at least. I am a decent hacker not very much professional. Not to mention but I have even won a Capture the Flag competition hosted by our college after this :) . I don’t know where the second thought came from but its only due to this that today I am a decent cyber security student.